So it’s officially Spring! I’ll admit that it kind of caught me by surprise; I suppose the changing months have all caught me by surprise…it’s just happening so fast! Anyway, in addition to keeping up with orders (trying to, at least), I was able to put together an Easter menu for The French Confection Co.!
I’m sure you’ll be able to tell that I was really loving the “speckled” look, which really is accomplished by having some fun flinging lots of color around–definitely a good way to get some stress out at the end of the day. So if you haven’t taken a look at the Easter menu yet, be sure to do so (click here) and get your orders in; the holidays always seem to book up much faster than I think they will.
I really love how it all turned out; it is a little smaller of a menu, but this one was more about the little details. I love the colors and the atmosphere of Springtime, especially all of the flowers, so the menu is comprised of soft pinks, yellows, and blues with an accent of gold. I usually have a favorite or two when it comes to the menus that I come up with for holidays, but I just can’t choose a favorite this time–I really love everything, they’re so pretty and cute! Here’s some pictures of the menu:
Speckled Buttercream Cakes w/ Meringue Nests
Pink-Rose Strawberry French Macarons
Lemon Raspberry Speckled Egg French Macarons
Blue Speckled Egg French Macarons
Strawberry & Crème Verrines
Blue Speckled Egg and Rose Sugar Cookies
Yellow Rose & Gold Bunny Silhouette Sugar Cookies
Gold Marbled Chocolate Truffle Eggs w/ Ganache Fillings
Mini Gold Speckled Chocolate Eggs
Mini Meringue Nests with Mini Chocolate Eggs
I love the mini gold speckled chocolate eggs because they’re so versatile. As you can see, I used them in several desserts, including topping some mini cupcakes with them (see below) just to give you an idea of what you can do with them. They come in assortments of 30 for 10.00; so you can definitely do a lot with just one assortment. They’re really delicious too with a wonderful chocolate flavor; they’re all molded by hand and flecked with gold by hand–there’s nothing pre-made on this menu (or any of my menus, actually). I even made the gold marbled chocolate eggs; that’s right, it’s kind of my first venture into candy making! I have to admit (and those that know me can attest to this): I am a major chocoholic, especially in the form of candy. I had always planned on slowly introducing artisan chocolates to my menu, and I suppose this is a modest start. I’ll eventually have to a hire a wonderful chocolatier/confectioner to come up with the most amazing chocolates and candy–although I’ll probably just eat them all, haha.
One dessert in particular that I am excited to bring to the regular menu (starting with this one to start) are Verrines! That’s the French term for layered desserts in a glass; I’ve had so many inquiries if I offered “shot glass” desserts and have even made them for custom orders, but I wanted to figure out a way to make them more my style, more in the spirit of The French Confection Co. and I finally have got it down. To start, the Strawberry & Crème verrines on the Easter menu are super adorable and I LOVE how they turned out. Of course, to make them more Easter-y, I added those little mini eggs to the top, but they’ll be a little different once on the regular menu. I’m still testing flavor combinations, but I am set on adding: Raspberry Chocolate Truffle, Strawberries & Crème, Espresso Crème, Raspberry Limoncello, and Chocolat Pot de Crème (<–still figuring this one out). Anyway, I love the sleekness of the cups I sourced to layer these luscious desserts in. I’ll officially add them soon, probably by the end of April–I want to see how well they do on the Easter menu.
Well, that’s enough chit-chat. I’m including some more pics of the little setup I did for the menu. Hopefully it’ll inspire you to do something special for your Easter gathering. Enjoy!
P.S. Want some fun behind-the-scenes trivia facts? The table is my nightstand, and the chair is my desk chair…what a way to use what you’ve got!
‘Till next time…

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